dr. Cristina A. Lelescu

intern in oftalmologia

dr. Cristina A. Lelescu

Profilo professionale




PhD in Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Romania). PhD thesis: “Synthesis and optimization of novel glass-based biomaterials for wound healing applications: an experimental animal study”. ISCED 6 (international level)


Graduation certificate for level 1 and level 2 of PsychoPedagogical Training Courses.

Level I (Fundamental): grants the alumni the right to occupy educational positions in preschool, primary and middle education on condition to acquire minimum 30 transfer credits during the psycho-pedagogical study program;

Level II (Advanced): grants the alumni the right to occupy educational positions in secondary, post-secondary and academic education on condition to acquire minimum 60 transfer credits during the psycho-pedagogical study program;


DVM (Doctor in Veterinary Medicine), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Thesis title: “Clinical findings and therapy approach in chronic superficial keratitis in dogs”; ISCED 5A (international level)


Work history and current position

June 2020-Present

Ophthalmology intern at Visionvet Eye Clinic, San Giovanni in Persiceto, Bologna, Italy. Supervisor: Manuela Crasta, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVO

June 2019- June 2020

Veterinary ophthalmologist at Happy Pets Clinic, Animalia Multiserv (small animal practice) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Vital Vet Clinic (small animal practice) in Oradea, Romania

February 2020- June 2020

Medical writer (scientific publications) at Modis Competence Center (Modis Life Sciences Belgium), Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

2016- 2019

Veterinary Surgeon at the Surgery Department, in charge with the ophthalmology caseload and teaching the ophthalmology and soft tissue surgery practical labs – Department of Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Internship at the Emergency Hospital (First opinion care) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Please read full curriculum for full details.